Welcome to the
Radio JOVE Data Archive
The Radio JOVE Project

About our Archive: You will find here data submitted by Citizen Scientists and general participants in the Radio JOVE Project. This archive contains almost two decades of radio observations of the Sun, Jupiter, the Milky Way Galaxy and Earth ionospheric phenomena. The records held here include images, sounds, text descriptions, as well as data produced using the Radio Sky-Pipe and Radio Spectrograph software. An article providing more details on the archive holdings appeared in the December 2015 issue of the Bulletin.

How to View these Files: In addition to the Radio Sky-Pipe and Radio Spectrograph software, other tools are available to read these data files. An article discussing these other tools can be found in the July 2018 issue of the Radio JOVE Bulletin newsletter.

Data Use Policy: If you are making use of the data on this site for your own research please acknowledge the data's submitters and the Radio JOVE Project. Data submitted to this archive may be used as examples for training in the use of the Radio JOVE system.

Enter the Archive here:

Note: Archive search and data download is available to anyone.
Uploading data to the archive requires a Data Submitter Account. Follow the steps listed below.

To Request a Data Submitter Account:

  1. Please register as a Radio JOVE participant (if you haven't done so already).
  2. Register to receive Radio JOVE emails by joining our groups.io email distribution list, creating a username and password (if you haven't already done so).
  3. Send a data submitter account request to our archive manager Leonard Garcia.

* Submissions to the archive are limited to a maximum upload size of 64 MB. *